Manifesting 2019..
2018 is coming to an end, and as usually I cannot believe another year has come and gone. This year has been great and difficult all at the same time. It seemed that with all of the good came some things that just set me off. But overall I feel like 2018 was one of the best years I have had in a long time.
With that said, I want to go into 2019 with plans to make things even better. Instead of coming up with "resolutions" this year. My plan is to come up with different things I hope to accomplish in 2019.
With that said, I want to go into 2019 with plans to make things even better. Instead of coming up with "resolutions" this year. My plan is to come up with different things I hope to accomplish in 2019.
I want to start running again. Not just to lose weight but because running was one thing that was great for my anxiety. Since I have stopped running I have noticed a spike in my anxiety and panic attack. I could be totally off but I think there is correltion and i want to attempt to calm it. My goal is altered from one a friend did in 2018. Hers was to run a half marathon each month. I am not that good or that weathly. So my goal for 2019 is to time myself running at least one 5k each month ( offical or me just running on my own) and see how my time increases. But I also plan to try and keep a rate of my anxiety as well.
I came up with the idea of the Great ReRead 2019 a few weeks ago. I have made a list of 25 books that I love, but haven't actually read in a long time. Starting now (December 2018) my goal is to ready all the books on the list before the end of 2019. If you want to check out the list you can follow me on good reads (username Cupcakenova)
This one is easy. I want to visit two places I have never been before. It sounds so simple. But I always have life get in the way and I always put travel on thr back burner. Not this year.
Big Purchase:
In 2018 I was able to accomplish my goal of paying off my car. Which was a HUGE accomplishment for me. But sadly paying off my car doesn't change the fact that it is over 14 years old. He is still doing his best to get me from point A to point B. But I cannot foresee The Bassmobile lasting much longer. So I want 2019 to be the year I buy a new car. This will be my big purchase of the year. (And really my biggest purchase of my adult life) I have already started the process of searching for the type of car I want, next up is starting to put money aside for the down payment. #Adulting.
What are you hoping to bring into 2019?
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