New Year. New Attitude. Same Girl

Annnndd... I realize I have been gone for a really long time dear internet people who read this.

It was a much-needed break from writing, overthinking and just dwelling on things from the past that cannot be changed.

But here we are back January 2018 I am back ( and just in time for award season.. how convenient. Totally not planned.. but great timing. )

With that said - I have been thinking a little bit about how I'm going to go into this blog for the new year. 2017 was a lot of self-reflection and trying to figure out how to get past the bullshit that was the whole T situation and a lot of the P situation. Both of those things have been left in 2017 along with (hopefully) the craziness of ED. Going into 2018 I want to focus more on the things that make me happy rather than the things that broke me. I will continue to use this at times to write about personal things that are going on and time for self-reflection- but I want to have it focus more on the things that are enjoyable to me.  Fashion, Fitness, Books I'm reading, Things I'm enjoying, places I'm trying to travel, Learning new skills ( specifically Tarot cards) and work I am doing. These are the things I want to bring into 2018.

I know it is impossible to remove all negativity from a persons life- but I would like to try my best to keep this a space for growing- however that may look. I look forward to bringing different aspects of me to this blog and sharing it with any and all people who read it.

Even if it is just me re-reading things months later.

Cheers to 2018 and all the adventures it will bring. 

XoXo- C


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