This book is done- on to the next story

We had our run
And at first, it was beautiful
It was everything I wanted a love story to be
But that is all it was
A story
A fabrication
Something we invented because at the time we both believe this was what love was

But a real true strong love is not as fickle as you are
And because of that I know our tale was another tall one

I have told our story so many times since November that it is almost a memorized tale

It is not one with a happy ending
It is not something I need to keep reliving.

I am done.
With this narrative
With our story
With anything that has come from our time together.
Both past and present.

I will close that book and put it back on the shelf.
Where it will age and collect dust.
Because -You dear boy. are my past.
Nothing more
Nothing less
I will not let your actions continue to define who I am and how I feel

you and your memory hold no place in the next book in this series.


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